Tuesday, July 18, 2023

No race but the human race

 My friend over on counter.social, @BrianHjelleVirologist, posted

"Our "races" are social, not biological constructs."

If every person on the planet could get that through their thick skull half the world's problems would disappear. But religion and our egos keep us from admitting that simple truth. 

It's the human race, Homo sapiens, period.

women of all colors, the human race

Friday, July 14, 2023

Guidestones to the Future

 Remember the Georgia Guidestones? They were a mystery until some conspiracy nutters decided to bomb them. But the inscriptions survive. 

The Georgia Guidestones

  1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
  2. Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
  3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
  4. Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
  5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
  6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
  7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
  8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
  9. Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
  10. Be not a cancer on the Earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

Some will say that’s all utopian idealism. But many of us understand that we’re seriously in danger of seeing the extinction of human beings. We’ve caused extreme damage to the only home we have through greed and ignorance. Earth cannot sustain an ever increasing population. 

I suggest we consider heeding the advice on the Guidestones. We’ve gone too long in the wrong direction. 

Friday, July 07, 2023

Out of the ashes of Twitter

Now that Twitter has gone up in flames and Reddit is on the same path of self-destruction, people are running crazy around the web looking for the next big thing, the next Twitter.

There won't be another Twitter. Future social networks will learn the lessons taught by Elon and Steve and avoid those situations. Perhaps the closest extant network modeled on Twitter is Truth(dot)social, the enclave of snowflakes and members of Y'all Qaeda. If that's your cup of tea, go for it, while it lasts.

For everyone else there's a growing number of social networking alternatives. At the moment it seems to be a three-way race between Threads, Mastodon, T2, and BlueSky. The last two are still invitation only, so their growth is slow right now.

Threads, brought to you by the same folks that own Facebook and Instagram, is growing by thousands of members every day. I'm sure that's due to its close association with Facebook. The word on the web is that Facebook is the social network for your parents, so the cool kids are all flocking to Threads. 

Yet quantity doesn't assure quality. I'd rather be in a room with two really interesting and informative people that I can have a conversation with than be in a room with a thousand people all talking at the same time. These new networks are also finding out how necessary moderation and rules that don't change daily every time the owner gets mad about something, are. 

I was on Twitter from the start, I joined 17 years ago. In that time I enjoyed talking with friends and strangers who became friends. That experience started to get tarnished in 2016 with the advent of trolls and hate-filled people. By 2017 Twitter was little more than the online voice of Trump. 

Last year I found a site called Counter.Social. It offered not just friendly conversation on a wide variety of topics, it offered something rare with social networks, security. No ads, no data-mining, no trolls. In addition, Counter.Social offers amenities unheard of on other sites. I encourage you to check it out for yourself. It's free to join though many of us are supporting the owner with a $5 a month pro membership. 

My final word on this topic. The social network you decide to call home should be a good fit for what you want in such a site. There never will be a one-size-fits-all network. If you're interested in looking into Counter.Social, if privacy and security are important to you, come by, check it out. If it helps, you might want to take the following information into account in making your decision. 

a data privacy chart of social networks

Wednesday, July 05, 2023


Trump’s indictment, and those to come, are welcome distractions. They are allowing us to ignore for even a few moments that there are rich and powerful forces determined to undermine our democratic republic, as imperfect as it may be, and substitute for it a theocratic fascist state. 

Nothing to see here

They’re distracting us from the imminent danger our entire planet faces due to our terrible stewardship and our unbridled capitalism. The band’s still playing but the ship is sinking.

Chaos Reigns

 Even big companies are conspiring to reign chaos down on America. Google is selling .zip and .ooo domains. Spammers are jumping on .zip domains. 

And Apple wants to drop “Hey” from waking Siri. Insane. I learned how bad that can be when I changed the wake word for Alexa to Computer. 

I never realized how many times I say computer during the day, usually prefaced with a profanity.


 So here’s how I see my future; I’ve accomplished the first step. I’ve sold my soul to Google. In exchange, I received a gmail account, a spot on Orkut, a Blog on Blogger and unlimited access to Google/Froogle/Google images, groups and news. 

I have heard that others have received these same benefits without bartering their soul, but I cannot confirm these rumors, and besides, I wasn’t using it anyway, so it wasn’t a big deal.

In the next few years, after Google buys up Microsoft and Intel, and owns a controlling amount of stock of the internet, they’ll want their piece of the real world. Real estate, literally. So somewhere in the mid-West will blossom Googleville, a beta community. I, of course, will be among the first in line to apply for residence. Landscaping be damned, we’ll all be in our lovely Googlehomes, sitting in front of our GoogleMachines computers with broadband access via our Google ISP, 24 hours a day. Blooging this, gmailing that, searching for even more entertainment. 

Once a week I’ll trek down to GoogleMart for my supplies, maintaining my net connection with my Googleberry device. On the way back I’ll stop to fill the tank of my Googlemobile, then it’s back home to surf some more.

Ah, could my future be any brighter?

(First published on my blog in April of 2004)


 Is anyone else sick of privilege? White privilege, Male privilege, Police privilege, Government privilege. This country shouldn’t entertain privilege for anyone who has enjoyed undeserved privilege since its founding. It’s other people’s turn now.

Imposter Syndrome

 All my adult life I played in a stage production called “My Working Life”. At work I wore a uniform (costume) and acted according to a script (the expectations of the job/my employers). I wasn’t me at work, I was a character in a play which earned me money that was used to enjoy my real life. In fact I took great pains not to mix my professional and private lives. I don’t party with coworkers or make friends with them. I seldom if ever bring work home with me. I avoid discussing my job when I’m not at work. My two lives are wholly separate. It’s a matter of compartmentalization.



Saving America going to take a revolution. Not necessarily a violent revolution, but a complete rethinking of capitalism and democracy. We’re seeing the limits of both systems in providing us with an equitable society and a sustainable planet. It isn’t feasible to think we can continue down this same road and not fall off the cliff at the end of it, which is just around the next corner.

The 1% Decides How the 99% Will Live

 I can’t believe we progressives will ever attain our goals for a just and equitable society as long as the people making policy decisions are wealthy people who have never had to deal with the problems facing the non-wealthy. What interest do they have in Social Security when they’ll never need it? What interest do they have in providing health care when they can always afford it? What interest do they have in the minimum wage when they’ve never had to live on it? They don’t care about us.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Why I didn't quit smoking last November

I originally posted this on March 5th, 2017. I haven't had a cigarette since, just over 6 years ago. 
I did stop smoking, but I didn't quit.

That's not a distinction without a difference, nor am I just being pedantic. I suspect anyone who is a slave to an addiction and willing to be honest with themselves will agree. 

Words are important, especially those we use when we're thinking to ourselves about ourselves. 

It can be done. There are many ways to try. As someone with COPD from 50 years of smoking, and who quit twice before and started again, it can be done. You're paying big bucks to risk your life. There are others willing to help. 

Groundhog Hour?

In the Fall, when the clocks go back, 2am becomes 1am. 

Why don’t we relive that one hour over and over, never again able to get past 2am?

The Doctor Visit

Doctor: Are you incontinent?

Me: Oh yes, I have been since Covid.

Dr: You had Covid?

Me: No, it's just with all the travel restrictions I never left North America.

Friday, January 20, 2023

Steve Gillmor explains Twitter

"The key to this signalling network is the duality of Twitter posts - both personal and public in equal doses. Personal data such as what I'm reading or listening to conspire with public data such as what news is important to us and what news isn't to cut through the glut with surprising efficiency. Each of us has to perform an instant editorial calculation of the relative value of the data as divided by the nature of the cloud of followers into which the post is injected. Overlapping circles of influence and authority resonate like a pebble tossed in a smooth pond.
What results is an elastic and supple map of how to transit the information space, contoured by the relative effectiveness of the editorial agenda of each poster and its success at attracting the right audience. Just as the 140 character "limit" promotes clarity and focus, the decision to follow is not taken lightly for fear of upsetting the value of the aggregate flow by having it accelerate beyond the ability to absorb it. Each node must traverse a high wire between value and noise." Steve Gillmor 3/16/2008

Monday, May 09, 2022

If Life Begins at Fertilization...

 As usual, politicians are trying to enact policies without an in-depth understanding of the issues they're addressing. And also, as usual, the politicians in this case are Republicans, particularly those of the white male, misogynistic, evangelical persuasion. 

They want to deny women bodily autonomy, the same privilege they enjoy. They want to outlaw abortion, and eventually outlaw any opportunity for women to acquire health care for themselves presumably without their husband's/male partner's permission. 

There are, however, a few points these science-denying bureaucrats have failed to consider.

If life begins at insemination as they contend, will social responsibilities like child support begin at conception as well?

Will miscarriages be treated as accidental deaths or homicides?

Will we all be required to change our birth dates to the day we were conceived? Suddenly we'll all be 9 months older, on average, than we used to be.

How do they intend to deal with the scientific fact that all animal embryos, including humans, begin as female?

"Geneticists have discovered that all human embryos start life as females, as do all embryos of mammals. About the 2nd month the fetal tests elaborate enough androgens to offset the maternal estrogens and maleness develops." (https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/4470128/)

No one is "created" male, all humans are "created" female. I can't imagine how the religious will explain that other than simply denying the biological science behind it. 

Where does this subjugation of women end? Do they want to go back to when women couldn't have a credit card in their own name? Will they demand women get married as teenagers and become the property of their husbands, like in Biblical times? 

Don't those radical right-wingers have mothers, wives, or daughters? Do they not love and respect them, and want the best America has to offer for them? Their actions indicate they don't. 

Thursday, January 19, 2017

How we'll travel the stars

Despite being a favorite topic of classic science fiction, space travel is not a simple matter. 

Even close to the speed of light we could only travel a hundred light years or so due to our short lifespans. It will require several generations to travel any appreciable distance from Earth. 

There is a way we could overcome the limit of our short individual existence. Leave our meat behind. 

In the near future we will develop robots that can navigate a ship through space. That will eliminate the need for us to transport our bodies. Instead we will send our intelligence, either in the form of artificial intelligences or our own minds uploaded into hardware. Our bodies are encumbrances we really don't need for space travel. 

Likewise, we should abandon the idea we'll ever encounter aliens in bodily form. We should expect to encounter alien intelligences, not little gray men. 

Monday, January 11, 2016

Trump is the president we deserve

My credentials as a progressive liberal will likely be tarnished as a result of posting this but I believe the truth must be faced; Trump is the candidate America deserves to have as president.

Those of us who dread a Trump presidency like to imagine a government that once again makes its citizens the focus of its policies. We want to believe that our fellow Americans value freedom and the diversity that has for years been the bedrock of our national character. We are full of optimism for a more compassionate and enlightened future for the United States.

But it's time for us to face reality.

The reality is that a majority of Americans appear to believe that the poor are victims of their own bad choices in life and that showing compassion to them is enabling their bad behavior, that acknowledging the advances of science is tantamount to denying their religious beliefs, that the only way to curb gun violence is for even more people to carry guns everywhere, that anyone different from us ethnically, sexually, culturally or philosophically is the enemy.

Racism still exists.

Trump's minions remind us that humans are not as evolved as we would like to think we are. Human behavior is still closer to that exhibited in Quest for Fire than that of Star Trek.
We are more like the Flintstones than the Jetsons.

For all of our technology, we still depend on fossil fuels and ignore our impact on the environment. The majority of us still look for comfort and guidance from fantastic super-beings before we seek it from one another. We still engage in and profit from wars waged against other human beings over possessions and beliefs.

My fellow progressive liberals, it's time we admit that for the majority of Americans, Trump is a more appropriate candidate than someone like Bernie Sanders. Trump speaks the words they respond to, like a fourth-grader.

Sanders would likely try to eliminate terrorism through negotiation and alliances with other nations, methods that may or may not work. Trump would likely bomb the hell out the entire Middle East, which undoubtedly would eliminate a majority of the terrorists there, along with millions of innocent men, women, and children. I'm sure he'd simply shrug at that possibility. Domestic terrorists he'd deport, except for the White male ones.

Of course we have no idea how he'd improve an already slowly improving economy, reduce an already reduced number of unemployed, or resolve any of the other major issues facing us. He fails to offer specifics on any of the promises he's made about his future presidency. Bluster and bombast are sufficient for the Trumpanistas. Just knowing that their hero says he has plans to deal with the Mexicans, the Blacks, the Gays, the educated, and all the rest of those who are to blame for all the problems he says exist is enough for them.

Trump appeals to our lesser nature, our base and uncivilized selves. That he seems to have found such a large number of adoring fans ought to tell us that the future of America is dark and regressive, that racism and xenophobia will exist for at least another generation. Fear and hate will be the hallmarks of American policy, not peace or equality.

I'd love to be wrong. Get out and vote, prove me wrong.

(See also: http://www.salon.com/2016/01/11/donald_trumps_despotic_fantasies_heres_what_the_world_would_look_like_if_he_were_president/)

Saturday, January 02, 2016

Reflections on Philidelphia

Tonight I watched the movie "Philadelphia" on Amazon Prime movies. I know, it was released in 1993, and practically everyone I know has seen it at least once since then. But not me.

There are certain topics addressed by popular movies that affect me too deeply for me to enjoy watching them. I tried to watch "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" when it came out but had to stop about half-way through. The topics of mental health and insanity distress me to the point where I can hardly bear to discuss them, let alone watch a movie based on them. Those same elements, combined with the horrific aspects of war, kept me from enjoying "Apocalypse Now", which debuted while I was in the Army.

"Philadelphia" affected me deeply, too, and was quite difficult to watch.

The reason is intensely personal and one I rarely discuss with anyone. But tonight, watching Hanks and his amazing performance, I realized some truths about why movies concerning homosexuality touch me so deeply and make me so uncomfortable, and I think I can finally reflect on those truths publically. Perhaps others will recognize themselves in my reflections and come to accept aspects of their personalities previously hidden away.

I've known for over 40 years that I'm not strictly heterosexual, nor am I exclusively homosexual. I've enjoyed deep and meaningful relationships with both men and women though to be honest with myself and you I probably am further toward gay on the sexuality spectrum than straight. Maybe 70/30 gay to straight.

Even though I was born in the 50's I really grew up in the 60's. Despite the prevailing climate of free love and acceptance in the California of the 60's, most gays were still in the closet and homosexuality remained a forbidden topic. In the early 70's I had a roommate who had been dismissed from Catholic seminary for being gay, and in spite of the fact that I was attracted to him, we never broached the subject. It was never discussed let alone acted upon.

My first emotional relationships were in the 70's with both girls and boys. While it felt perfectly natural to me to be attracted equally to both, I was very much aware of society's disapproval of same-sex relationships. So I made sure to keep those hidden away, never to be spoken of or made public. In those days not only did society still demonize gays, gays themselves considered bisexuals as aberrations, gays trying to be straight. Bi's weren't accepted in either the gay or straight world.

Watching "Philadelphia" tonight I realized what a different person I would be today had I not succumbed to social pressure to be "a man" and spent the better part of my life trying to convince myself and everyone else that I was tough and unemotional. I denied a large portion of my character that was emotional, sensitive and caring. I would have been a much more loving man today had I felt free to express my emotions, perhaps even more artistic and creative.

It's probably too late now for me to make substantial changes to my personality no matter how much I wish I could. But there's still time for young people, kids who may be trying to accept aspects of themselves that others refuse to acknowledge or accept. Young people these days are certainly more accepting than when I was a kid, but there are still many teenagers who have been disowned by their families, tossed out of their churches and are persecuted within their communities for loving the "wrong" person. These youngsters need to know there are others who have gone through the same rejections and regret not having stood their ground and insisted on proudly being who they are.

Here are some links I hope will help.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Racism is but a part of our national problem

Racism is a hot-button topic these days. The truth is it's been a hotly debated and divisive topic in this country for well over 300 years. Practically every generation has produced an event that has brought the inequality between white citizens and those of color to the national spotlight.

And yet, the color of one's skin has not been the only cause of distrust and hatred. Since our country was founded we've invented reasons to deny equality to women, the poor, the Irish (and Italians, Polish, Japanese, Germans, Native Americans, and a host of other immigrants as well as those born on these shores), Catholics, Jews, Mormons, atheists, gays and other LGBT people, children, the elderly, the handicapped; almost every type of human being other than wealthy white males.

It's that history that makes me uncomfortable with the national focus on race.

Skin color is not the only component of race. Race is also determined by bone structure, hair and eye color. (diffen.com) We also have a history of prejudice toward humans of various ethnicities, genders, sexual persuasions, etc.

Obviously we have a problem in this country, and not just between whites and blacks, gays and straights, men and women.

Our laser focus on race is blinding us to a larger problem. We are a nation of the intolerant.

Since the founding of the U.S. we have been intolerant of anyone who is different than us in any way imaginable. (For a satirical example, enjoy Tom Lehrer's National Brotherhood Week) This is the sad state of affairs in America. We are a nation of immigrants, for the most part, people of various color, national origin, gender, sexual persuasions, hair color, physical ability, handedness, belief...who look down on everyone who isn't like us in every way.

Racism is only a fraction of our national intolerance, our institutionalized bigotry.

Instead of stressing our common humanity and celebrating our similarities as human beings, we'd rather emphasize our differences. Instead of working together to make the world a better place for everyone, we'd rather fight wars and commit genocide based on our perceived differences.

I may be a progressive, but I've lived too many years to be an idealist. I'd like to think that we could dismiss our differences and unite as humans to create a better world. But I honestly don't think we've evolved that far yet. We are still too closely related to our territorial, tribal, hunter forebearers. We are closer to our cave-dwelling past than we are to our possibly utopian future. We are not yet able to think of ourselves as a single human race. 

I seriously doubt we'll accomplish that in my lifetime. It may take many generations, providing we don't manage to bring about our own extinction in the meantime. I do think it's a worthwhile goal. In fact I believe it's the only way we'll ever progress as a species and assure our continued existence. But it won't happen overnight. It won't be brought about by passing laws or shaming on social media. It won't happen by lying about our past and rewriting history. We won't change just because we take one flag off the pole. 

Our entire nation, every person in the country, will have to be educated and encouraged to reorder their beliefs. Cooperation will have to crowd out competition. Peer pressure will need to be applied until hating another person just because they aren't like us is no longer acceptable anywhere at any time. 

I sincerely hope we can. I hope we will. I hope we do. Because if we don't our future as humans is seriously threatened. 

Saturday, April 04, 2015

The forgotten factor in the "Religious Freedom" debate

The last few weeks have been filled with debates, from town halls to mainstream media, from congregations to social networks, over the merits and intentions of Indiana's "Religious Freedom Restoration Act".

What doesn't seem to be getting mentioned much if at all is one the foundational beliefs those who sponsor and back measures like this hold and believe deeply.

Many religious people, not just Christians, believe that homosexuality is a choice. They believe people make a conscious decision to be gay. Further, they don't accept that there's anything organic about being transgendered. They think that a transgendered person is simply someone displeased with their biologically assigned gender and who wants to think of themselves, and wants everyone else to think of them, as a member of the opposite gender.

The religious ignore any scientific evidence that supports a biological and genetic basis for people who are gay or transgendered. They believe that these are "lifestyle choices", that one day in 1986 little Timmy decided he'd rather have sex with Billy than Marcia, or that he'd rather be Theresa than Timmy. Yet when questioned directly about this belief, I have yet to encounter someone who can tell me exactly when it was they made the choice to be heterosexual. While they often say that gays must have suffered some trauma of a sexual nature in their youth that made them choose to become gay, they dismiss the testimony of those who have been gay since they were first sexually aware who had wonderful childhoods. Of course, there is trauma often suffered when attempting to come out to homophobic family members and friends. That's a whole other issue, a very real and painful one.

These religious people do not see this debate as one over equal, civil rights. I'm sure the majority of them see our treatment of Blacks as an issue that needs to be addressed, a situation that needs correction. They know that no one chooses their ethnic background, but they fervently believe that one does choose their sexual orientation. They cannot separate orientation from behavior. In fact, they see the entire LGBT community as a group who has chosen to behave in ways unacceptable to the majority of "decent" (i.e. religious) Americans. They reject the notion of orientation. Because of their failure to appreciate the difference between behavior and orientation, they cannot equate discrimination toward Blacks or women with discrimination toward LGBT people. 

Thus, this debate over "religious freedom" is less a civil rights matter and more another aspect of the religious right's ignorance of science, their preference for the Bible over biology. As long as they refuse to respect medical science and instead defer to their religiously inspired bigotry, they cannot "in good faith" support the fair and equal treatment of gays and the transgendered.